cooking frenzy
Nancy wrote:
>I'm also in search of a good Balsalmic Vinegrette recipe. We (my family)
>like the Paul Newman's Basalmic but it is a little $$.
I posted one just a minute ago...don't know how close it is to Newman's own as
I've never had it before, but it's tangy! I dilute it with a little water or
grape juice depending on what I'm using it for.
>We moved into a bigger house with a 3/4 acre lot. I'm doing a lot of work on
>the house. The yard also needs tons of work. I won't be able to get a
>garden going until next year. I'm starting compost heaps where I want the
>garden to be.
Sounds's our second summer in this house...last years garden
was a trial run to see what I'd have to do differently this year...I'm late in
putting stuff in the ground as we've been besieged with cicadas...can't wait to
plant my kale...I grew some Italian dinosaur kale last year (has long thinnish
leaves that are bubbly looking, not ruffled at the edges--not bitter or tough
and the young leaves are really nice raw) and am doubling the planting this
year since it was soo good.
>The kitchen is huge (by my stadards) I have more counter space than I ever
>dreamed of. I spent two weeks organizing the kitchen. We've been here 2
>months now and I need to re-organize the kitchen already.
Lucky thing ( counter space) kitchen now is the largest one I've ever
had but it doesn't have much in the way of's a large room with a
small room off the back with the stove and about 2 1/2 feet of counter
space...I guess when they built the place in 1880 it made sense to put the
kitchen off the back to keep some of the heat out of the main part of the out fine for me though as I have a table in the main part of the
kitchen that I do prep work on and I can look out into the garden from
there....we have a grape arbor that I'm going to try preserving some leaves
from next year...wanted to go three summers without them being treated (house
was vacant for a year before we got it) since I don't know what or if anything
was used/sprayed on them by the previous owner.
>Okay, I'll go get the recipe now.
Thanks for posting it....I printed it out for future snacking :-).