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Kswck Kswck is offline
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Default FoodSaver Experiences?

"Lin" > wrote in message
> Hi all!
> Bob is "on assignment" for a week and I thought I might freeze some of the
> summer vegetables we have been getting from our local farmers markets
> while he is gone.
> Other than meat, I haven't used the FS for anything other than meat.
> Would those who have used their FS for veggies and fruit give me some tips
> on what worked (or didn't work) for them. I wondered if I should do a
> quick blanch, or if there is produce that I shouldn't have to worry about
> doing so. Should I season?
> In particular I have gotten some beautiful zucchini that I would like to
> put up. I wondered if it might get mushy from freezing.
> SOMEWHERE around her is the pesky instructional CD that came with the
> gizmo, but I hoped I might get some knowledge from those of you with
> hands-on experience. I'm a bit lazy, er, time manageable that way. ;-)
> It is one of the higher-end models and has the Crush-Proof button, so
> maybe squishing won't be a problem.
> I will be canning if I ever get any decent tomatoes off of my plants. Even
> the markets around here said that the tomatoes are coming on late, and
> they haven't been very flavorful either. I have been getting some pretty
> peppers on my plants and the rose geraniums and Kaffir Lime tree are going
> great guns. Now, if I could just get the tomatoes ....
> An Extension Office for UC Davis is in Sacramento and I plan on taking a
> pickling class and a refresher course on canning (it's been YEARS and
> YEARS since I canned). Gotta make use of the new 23-qt. pressure canner
> Bob bought me!
> TIA for the FoodSaver help!
> --Lin (also interested in using the FS bagged meat for sous vide).

I have the high end model as well. Just about anything can be put into the
bags-although I do tend to make a mess with liquids.
One thing I have found-use the pre-formed bags. When freezing veggies, the
'make it yourself' bags can on occasion lose their seal.
Often I make blanched veggies, cool and then shrink-wrap for my girlfriend
who can't boil water without writing it down (tho she makes dynamite ribs-go
figure). She will then take them and drop into boiling water for a few
I generally do not season veggies first-that's the eaters job.
FS says you can wash and reuse their bags-I primarily use them for meats so
I don't bother.
Veggies such as cauliflower, broccoli (or broccolini), beans, peas, etc work
well if blanched. Brussels sprouts do not-they get mushy when reheated.
I have tried Cuban Oregano-due to its size and thickness-with little loss
when defrosted-just make sure it is very dry when packaging.
I would imagine that with fruits such as grapes, freeze them first, then
package, to prevent squishing them.

You can also make something like a pasta primavera-pasta and veggies already
mixed-that works pretty well.

I do not know where you live, but tomatoes are very late here as well
(Northeast), and they are expensive and not very tasty. Of my tomato plants,
the yellow beefsteaks, grapes and pears are fine now, with the reds just
starting. We are knee-deep in beans though and peppers are just starting.