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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Calabrian Cooking

> ha scritto nel messaggio
>I am going to Italy and I found a cooking class here
> I wanted to learn how to cook Italian but is Calabrian cooking typical
> Italian cooking or is pretty different?

Calabrian cookery is very different from other regions except perhaps the
regions that abut it. Calabria likes HOT. Some of the Calabrian foods I
have bought at food fairs, etc. have been the hottest things I've ever had.
Good, but very very piquant.

Calabria was always a poor region, so the menus tend to reflect that. There
is lots of fish, of course, but the land itself is very stony and dry.

It's a region whose kitchen I like even if I don't know it extensively, but
it resembles little of what foreigners think of when they think Italian

You should do a search on the terms Calabria cooking or cookery and see what
they eat.

I've been learning the various regions of Italian cookery for 35 years and I
am nowhere near done. Twenty regions and twenty different takes on Italian.