Chips (French fries)
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:37:41 -0500, Kathleen wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> Oh goody, a chance to complain about a co-worker! LOL But seriously, I
>> worked with a woman who would send out mass emails at work almost daily
>> offering little prayers and bits of Christian "wisdom" to a large number
>> of people. She was genuinely confused (and upset) when someone from HR
>> told her (a) that's not what the company email server is for and (b) not
>> everyone who works there is a Christian and some people found her emails
>> offensive.
> I worked with a woman who was aggressively christian. Never missed a
> chance to tell anybody who didn't buy her brand that they were going to
> hell, let alone what would happen to godless heathens like myself. And
> she was racist as all get out, to put the cherry on the shit pie.
> When her daughter became engaged at least The Wedding overtook
> JesusChristOurSavior as her main topic of conversation. When she
> announced that two of her grandchildren were to be included in the
> wedding party as the "miniature bride and groom" (this, in addition to
> the flower girl and ringer bearer), I commented how cool I thought it
> was that her daughter had chosen to embrace multiculturalism in her
> ceremony.
> Somewhat uneasily (she had worked with me for several years by then) she
> inquired as to what I meant. I told her it was an ancient african
> tradition to include a pair of children in the marriage ceremony, that
> they served as decoys, to draw bad luck and evil spirits away from the
> nuptial pair.
> I was gratified to see the color in her face head south, probably ending
> up pooled somewhere around her cankles.
> I didn't receive an invitation to the happy event, but I heard from
> those who attended that the ceremony included an extra prayer and
> blessing for the miniature bride and groom.
I once had a xtian woman colleague who would often call in sick on Fridays
or Mondays so that she could do church work. She couldn't see the
dishonesty in her actions.
There was also a Moron ("m" deliberately left out) who was paid a mileage
allowance when he ran errands in his car. Another Moron found out and was
most upset becase he wasn't declaring this "income" to the church for