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Cindy Hamilton Cindy Hamilton is offline
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Posts: 549
Default Cookwa Sets or Pieces?

On Aug 12, 2:24*pm, "Kswck" > wrote:
> Do you have a full set of pots and pans or do you use odds and ends that
> suit you better?
> I have one 12" Teflon pan that gets abused so much that I replace it when it
> gets scratched too badly-once per year or so ($20 aint so bad), one large,
> 12" Revere saute pan, 2 small Farberware ones, and assorted pots from a
> variety of makers. Don't need a 'dedicated' set of cookware such as AllCLod,
> Wolfgang Puck, or <shudder> Emeril set, etc.
> (I probably should note that Farber, Revere, etc have outlet stores in my
> area-those sales in October-60%+-are too hard to pass up).

Odds and ends.

All-Clad saucepans (1, 2, 4, and 8 quart, I believe), a 12" skillet
and a dutch oven. (
All-Clad needn't be purchased in sets.)

Nonstick-coated aluminum saute pans from the food service supply
A couple of old Farberware "dutch ovens" that can't go in the oven due
their plastic handles, and a double boiler

A large stainless stockpot with an aluminum disk on the bottom.
Some no-name brand, but it works well.

An assortment of cast iron frying pans for when the mood strikes me.

A nonstick "chef's pan" that I mainly use as a saucier. I think it's
a newer Farberware, but it's crap. It might be
Revere. I'll be looking for a replacement soon.

Cindy Hamilton