Thread: cooking frenzy
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Default cooking frenzy

"T5NF" > wrote in message
> Nancy wrote:
> <snip>
> >I'm also in search of a good Balsalmic Vinegrette recipe. We (my family)
> >like the Paul Newman's Basalmic but it is a little $$.

> I posted one just a minute ago...don't know how close it is to Newman's

own as
> I've never had it before, but it's tangy! I dilute it with a little water

> grape juice depending on what I'm using it for.

Looks good. I'll print it out and give it a try. I just bought two bottles
of Newman's on sale and with a coupon. It may be a week or so before I give
your recipe a try.


I'm having a ton of work done on the house. We are finishing the basement.
The guys are in the basement now with a jack hammer or big saw or something
making a H*** of a racket. They're installing an egress window.

We work on the yard every weekend. I have Grape vines also but who knows
what all is on them. I plan to build an arbor for them. Next year I'll have
stuffed grape leaves.
My Jordanian neighbors at my old house just froze grape leaves. They
explained that the brine preserving made the leaves too salty and mushy.

We bit the bullet and subscribed to cable tv. My husband and son are bicycle
racing fans and OLN is only brocaster of the Tour De France. I think OLN
stands for Only Lance News. We also went for cable internet sevice.
I've been ODing on the HGTV and TLC home improvement shows. I've seen a few
kitchen remodels that would suit your kitchen.
My daughter (age 9 )has taken to watching the auto shows. She likes TLC's
Overhauling and MTV's Pimp My Ride. I got the answer the question... "Mommy,
what does Pimp mean?" Anyway, if she gets inspired to replace the headliner
in my station wagon...

We finally made a pilgrimage to Ikea. After about 30 minutes in the place my
son (13 now) described it as Walmart with umlauts. We did buy some book
shelves and a loft bed for the Girlilla (the daughter aged 9)
I was not impressed with the quality of cookware at Ikea. I needed a new wok
and the ones they had were flimsy. I actually bought a decent one at
