Thread: cooking frenzy
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Default cooking frenzy

Nancy wrote:
> We are finishing the basement.

Ours was finished, but we have to replace the's on the 'to do'

>We work on the yard every weekend. I have Grape vines also but who knows
>what all is on them. I plan to build an arbor for them.

We didn't know what ours were going to produce either, but I suspected they
were wine grapes from the old bottles full of the stuff we found in the
basement...we planted another concord vine last year and it's doing well but
it'll be awhile before it produces.

> Next year I'll have
>stuffed grape leaves.
>My Jordanian neighbors at my old house just froze grape leaves. They
>explained that the brine preserving made the leaves too salty and mushy.

That's a great tip! I'll have to give it a go..

>I've been ODing on the HGTV and TLC home improvement shows. I've seen a few
>kitchen remodels that would suit your kitchen. too, but I like the way this works and since the stove room is only
big enough for one, that means my husband stays out of my way while I'm cooking

>My daughter (age 9 )has taken to watching the auto shows. She likes TLC's
>Overhauling and MTV's Pimp My Ride. I got the answer the question... "Mommy,
>what does Pimp mean?" Anyway, if she gets inspired to replace the headliner
>in my station wagon...

*grin* hopefully she can pick up some good

>I was not impressed with the quality of cookware at Ikea. I needed a new wok
>and the ones they had were flimsy. I actually bought a decent one at

I don't like their cookware but do like their garlic press and their 'as is'
section has been the source of bookcases...but since there are so many
universities here, craigslist works out better since most of the kids give
their furnishings away once the school year is over.

Since going to that Lebanese place, I've been on a middle eastern food finding
kick, I bought some sumac the other day for the first time and will be trying
it out in different's fun to experiment with new spice :-).

