Macaroni Cheese?
Andy <q> wrote:
>Steve Pope said...
>> For sure. That's how my mother made it -- with tomatos or tomato
>> sauce, and cheddar cheese.
>My neighbor/owner in the twin house we rented 1/2 of, put tomato sauce and
>tomato bits into her m&c.
>She did some other strange things in other dishes. We never complained
>until we "crossed the hall" back into our half, among ourselves. Seeing as
>how my ex and she worked together at a certain phone company and she
>charged us next to nothing for rent, we never brought it up.
When I first encountered a "white" sauce in macaroni and cheese
I nearly had a reflux event.
Nowadays, it's tolerable and can even be good, but no way is it
what I prefer.