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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Spirit measures in the US and Canada?

Corey Richardson wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:29:19 GMT, "James Silverton"
> > wrote:
>> Corey wrote on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 22:03:32 +0100:
>>> In Scotland and the UK, a single measure of spirits at the pub
>>> is 35ml or 25ml respectively.

>>> What's a single measure of spirits in the USA and Canada?

>>I'm not sure how consistent it is in the US. It is usually agreed that a
>>"shot" is 1.5 oz (44ml) but there are all sorts of strange things like
>>"jigger" and "pony". I usually stick to beer :-)

> Thanks. Interesting. I wondered why Americans looked at single shot in
> the UK funny.

Here's a good USan example. Shot glass, showing 1.5oz/45ml to be a shot,
next to a pony/jigger measurer that doesn't say how much either of those

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