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sarah gray sarah gray is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 405
Default Are they ripe yet?

"cybercat" > wrote in

> "Lynn from Fargo" > wrote :
>>I refuse to get a cell phone. When I want to be alone . . . I vahnt to
>>beah-lone ;-)

> You'll break down eventually. They are handy, especially the camera
> phones. Weeks after a thread here about the purpose of a round pan
> with smalling, shallow round indentations, when I said "silver dollar
> pancake pan!" and got pooh-poohed by people claiming it was for some
> obscure something, I was in a BB&B and saw the exact thing LABELED
> "SILVER DOLLAR PANCAKE PAN!" I forgot to post it but I do still have
> it.

If you had any idea what you are talking about, you would know it by its
real name.

> Also, last night my cat had a hilarious playing-like-a-crazed-monkey
> fit, and I had my phone right there and caught video of the whole
> thing.
> Then there is safety.
> They there is when your land/cable line goes down.

like during a massive power outage?

must have battery-operated cell towers in your neck of the woods. If I
didn't mind having a land line I never used, I would plug my old corded
phone in and use it as an emergency line.

Saerah (had the only working phone in her apartment bulding 5 years ago
during that huge blackout)