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dsi1[_3_] dsi1[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 352
Default Film on Spaghetti Noodles

merryb wrote:
> On Aug 12, 1:56 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
>> "Steve Pope" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Frequently, when I cook spaghetti (standard method; bring water to
>>>> boil, break noodles,
>>> WRONG.

>> Okay. Why NOT break "noodles?"

> That's what I'm wondering!

This is a good question. There are a few folks have trouble with the act
of spooling spaghetti onto the fork. This is caused by several factors.
Poor eyesight and lack of control of the wrist and arms mostly. Also
they really love spaghetti - a lot! Their aim is to get a big ole ball
going on that fork. You'll notice that these folks will typically have
sauce all over themselves and a big grin on their puss. If you have one
of these sauce-soaked, hideously grinning goofballs in your family or
if, for God sake, you're one of them, please do everyone a favor and
don't break that spaghetti in half! And always remember to wear a bib. I
mean always... like 24/7.