Excess mint and parsley
On Aug 12, 9:09�pm, maxine in ri > wrote:
> My workplace has a new "freshtoyou" produce delivery service. �Prices
> weren't bad, so I tried it with what I knew I'd be out of or want to
> make this week. �My first order came today, and if they keep this up,
> I'll give up shopping in stores for produce. �The veggies were
> beautiful, perfectly ripe, no bad spots, and I didn't have to sort
> through a whole tray of them to find good ones.
> I made tabouli again, but the bunches of parsley and mint were so
> large I only used half of each.
> Suggestions for something to make with them? �I also have broccoli and
> string beans, if that's any help.
> I suppose I could wait until the weekend when it's supposed to turn
> hot again, but I don't want this lovely stuff to go to mush.
I grow parsley, always much more than I can ever use, I give it away
to anyone who comes by... towards the end of the season I freeze it in
zip-locs. Lately I prefer the curly leaf parsley. Parsley requires
very little growing space... a four foot square plot will grow more
than any ten families can consume.
I don't like mint in anything but toothpaste and chewing gum. But I
have so much mint growing wild that I mow it... it grows all along my
creek too, I can probably pick it in hundred pound bales... feel free
to help yourself.