Chips (French fries)
Dave Smith wrote:
> Graham stereo wrote:
>>> Since when do Christians have a monopoly on the word
>>> "god"?
>>> I totally want to hang up a huge pentagram in my cubicle where she can
>>> see it.
>> She'd probably sue you for harassment!! Why not have Richard Dawkins or
>> Sam Harris as a pin-up?
> I once had a co-worker who had a bad religion problem and complained because I
> told him to **** off whenever tried preaching at me and I came out on top. He
> was a lazy SOB who spent all day preaching to everyone instead of working. We
> were in a department whose days were numbered and I was trying to get out,
> applying for every job opening that came up.
> I got to the point where I figured the best way to get transferred was to
> raise a stink. I filed a complain against him for religious harassment.
> During his last rant at me he really lost it and was yelling and screaming at
> me that I was going to go to hell, and I had more than 30 witnesses. My poor
> boss didn't quite know what to do. He was stuck between my and my well founded
> religious harassment and the preacher's constant racial discrimination
> complaints ( his old job as telephone operator was eliminated when they got an
> automated telephone system like everyone else was doing back then).
> It worked. I had an interview for the latest position I had applied for. The
> base salary was $8,000 more than my old job and another $2,000 when I
> finished my training and probationary period, and then, thanks to an ongoing
> classification grievance the next year we were awarded a retroactive $15,000
> raise. By the time the classification grievance went through the old facility
> was shut down and everyone else was laid off.
> Sometimes those religious fanatics can lead to good things happening :-)
There are a great many people who believe themselves to be Christian -
who are not.
There are many more who are Christian, but who have little or no
understanding of the faith they hold.
In the end, the only answer is: People are silly.