Thread: Cooktops
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Cooktops

Janet wrote:
> My old Thermador electric cooktop needs drips pans, reflectors, and trim
> rings that will total somewhere between $300-700 (depending on whether I get
> the real replacement rings, or am able to use the cheap cosmetic kind).
> Since this cooktop is probably about 25 years old, at least, I'm
> contemplating replacing it rather than sinking that kind of $$ into parts
> (and who knows whether other parts will even be available if somthing
> critical stops working). It has four burners, two large and two small, and a
> central grill/griddle. Apparently no one makes an electric cookstop with a
> grill anymore, and I really love that grill.
> Anyone have any experience buying a new cooktop recently? Any
> recommendations? ($2,000 gas models are not a possibility, unfortunately.)

Is it the price or the gas part that is not possible?

Jean B.