A "pint" of beer
Corey Richardson wrote:
>On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 20:59:04 GMT, "Graham" > wrote:
>>"James Silverton" > wrote in message
>>> Hello All!
>>> I just read an article in a popular science magazine from Britain,
>>> "Chemistry World", where it was stated "Little beats a cool, crisp pint of
>>> beer on a hot summer's day". I thoroughly agree with that sentiment but
>>> the article was illustrated by a picture of beer in the usual 12oz bottle.
>>> Is "pint" just a name for a glass of beer in Britain or does it commonly
>>> come in 20oz (British pint) bottles?
>>I think that when you "go for a pint" it is not only 20floz but it also
>>tends to imply that it will be draught beer.
>>Here, in Calgary, a pint is sometimes the Imp 20floz but some bars use the
>>US 16floz pint glasses.
>A pint of beer in the UK *has* to be a pint of beer - 1pint/20floz/568ml
Beer is sold in pints and halves.
Spirits used to be sold in fractions of a gill (a sixth or a fifth of
a gill which itself is a quarter of a pint) but now are sold in either
25 or 35 millilitre measures.
Wine when not sold by the bottle comes in small, medium and large
glasses. 125ml, 175ml and 250ml respectively.
Phil Cook looking north over the park to the "Westminster Gasworks"