Thread: lunch today
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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default lunch today

"Becca" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
>>> Drugs are pricey. Since I cancelled my insurance, I order Advair from
>>> New Zealand and it is about $45 each, and that includes airmail postage.

>> Wow! Good price. The cheapest I found just now for this strength is $200.

> Advair is called Seretide on other parts of the planet, that is what I get
> when I order it. It is made by GlaxoSmithKline and I have been using it
> for 4-5 years.

Well, it's good to know that one may get it at a decent price without
insurance. That's terrific. It's a wonder drug, for my asthma, which is
triggered by the whole world. Or maybe just everything in it. I went
undiagnosed for three years, (just stupidity/denial on my part, and avoiding
doctors) and just thought, "well, this is what it is like to be over 40."
Thank heavens it's not.