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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Spirit measures in the US and Canada?

Dimitri > wrote:

>"Donald Martinich" > wrote in message

>> In my part of the world (N. Calif.), most bartenders don't pre-measure
>> with shot glasses but "count" instead. They count silently to
>> themselves as the pour through that standard sort of spout that bars
>> have on all their bottles. Some drink might be a "two count" or a "three
>> count" depending on the recipe. As you might expect, there is some
>> variability here. Reputations for generosity or stinginess are easily
>> established here in my smallish college town.

>Not necessarily.
>Today most of the bar pour spouts are metered.


While this is an interesting link, it hardly establishes any
claim that "most bar pour spouts are metered". Or, if the
spouts do have a metering feature, the bartender is paying
attention to it.

IMO most local bartenders pour to some visual level, they neither
count nor measure.
