Chips (French fries)
On Aug 12, 1:32*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> aem wrote:
> > On Aug 12, 8:44 am, Sqwertz > wrote:
> >> Which ones are the Mexican folks who pass out the 'Watchtower'
> >> magazines? *They seem gravitated towards me because they mistake
> >> me for a Mexican. *Normally they don't talk to White people -
> >> we're to smart to fall for that shit.
> > That's a joke, right? *"we" whites are too smart?
> Actually, the joke was was the "TO smart".
> > The Watchtower is the Jehovah's Witnesses publication. *They are an
> > American evangelical church that has long expressed a desire to
> > "transcend" ethnicity and nationalism, by which I suppose they mean
> > they didn't want to stay a white American church. * The focus of
> > proselytizing efforts has more to do with ignorance and poverty than
> > it does with race. * *-aem
> Then why do they consistently come door to door on weekends asking
> which apartments the Mexicans live in?
> -sw
Because they're not stupid? They target different language groups
with proslytisers of the same language. I used to live in a Portugese
neigbourhood and always got the Portugese speaking door knockers.
When living in Quebec I used to get the English speaking door
It also means less junk to cart around as you only need the Watch
Tower in one language.
It seems possible to find JW's of any nationality. I once worked with
a Irish JW. Nice guy too.
John Kane Kingston ON Canada