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Corey Richardson[_2_] Corey Richardson[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 180
Default Burgers and Meatballs with Breadcrumbs

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:27:25 -0700, Joseph Littleshoes
> wrote:

>Corey Richardson wrote:
>> Why oh why do some people insist that homemade burgers and meatballs
>> should have breadcrumbs in them?
>> Just to bulk them out? So that they're spongy? What?
>> Breadcrumbs have some place in a meatloaf, but none in a burger or
>> meatball, IMHO.
>> What say you?

>For me, plain bread crumbs no, but seasoned bread crumbs yes, the
>exception being if the individual likes plain bread crumbs in their
>ground meat, for what ever reason, economy or flavor.
>I take garlic herb croutons i have made for salads, give them a whirl in
>the FP to make them 'crumbs' and add to my ground meats.
>But then one of my favorite ways to eat a steak is as a schnitzel,
>pounded and then egged and bread crumbed, with highly seasoned bread
>crumbs and quickly pan fried.

I sometimes like to add garlic and onion powder to my meatballs/burgers
& plenty of seasoning & herbs but never breadcrumbs. I tried a small
amount of breadcrumbs once and they, my burgers/meatballs, turned out
spongy and seemed cheap.

I often add Parmesan cheese to them too. Other things too!