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Default Burgers and Meatballs with Breadcrumbs

On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 00:04:56 +0100, Corey Richardson
> wrote:

>Why oh why do some people insist that homemade burgers and meatballs
>should have breadcrumbs in them?
>Just to bulk them out? So that they're spongy? What?
>Breadcrumbs have some place in a meatloaf, but none in a burger or
>meatball, IMHO.
>What say you?

I say you're right.

I bought meatless meatballs for health reasons (not mine) I won't go
into and they tasted like poultry dressing shaped like a ball. Not my
idea of what a meatball should taste like... maybe it would have been
better in some kind of sauce.

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Mae West