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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Excess mint and parsley

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 19:16:52 -0700 (PDT), Sheldon >

> sf wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>> > you're way too negative a person for my liking, you
>> >never have anything nice/positive to say, not to anyone... sometimes I
>> >think you and enigma are the same, if either of you ever complimented
>> >anyone you'd shrivel up and die).

>> LOLOL.... pot, kettle, black.

>See, you're still doing it... you glom on to every opportunity to be
>mean spirited.

You did it again.
>I offer plenty of good advice, and am helpful to anyone who asks
>(nothing I can do about those who resent my cooking knowlege), and
>when it's a thread on a subject I know nothing about I stay out of it,
>I have no need to fake what I don't know just to be everywhere.

Envious? I'm not stuck with Google.

> I've
>never yet seen you post something useful related to cooking, or
>anything, just bitter resentment.

That's such a crock!

>I've never once seen where you
>laughed with someone,

Laughed with someone? WTF are you talking about? Am I supposed to
act like this is afb with all the fake praise?

>only at them.

I call it like I see it and I don't lie. I know exactly what set you
off. Too bad! If it was a different situation, then the post should
have been worded differently. A poster can't say something like that
and expect everyone to respond "how nice", because it wasn't.

>You are a sad, pitiful
>creature... that for so many years you have to hide is proof... every
>time I see your sf I think silly fool.

It's usenet, but you expect me to act like it's Facebook. HA! No

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West