Update: McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts
I know you've all been waiting to hear what's going on with
the fast food situation where I live. Heh.
I mentioned that a local McDonald's closed and I was really
surprised, it was so busy all the time. It left no convenient
drive-thru McDonald's for quite a ways. No skin off my teeth,
I don't go there, I was just surprised.
Well, they put up a weird building, is it a bank? No, it's just
a brand new McDonald's, now hiring. White stone front,
very small arches. A new look.
Then I'd noticed that Dunkin Donuts in town was closed, right
at the time people here were talking about their Dunkin Donuts
going out of business. This place said they were under
renovations. How can a place like that afford to close for months?
Well, when they put the big bubblegum pink D door handle on, I
knew they were coming back. Guess there's more money in
donuts than I thought.
I know you've all been wondering, don't worry, fast food is safe in
my corner of the world.