Update: McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts
Nancy Young wrote:
> I know you've all been waiting to hear what's going on with the fast
> food situation where I live. Heh.
> I mentioned that a local McDonald's closed and I was really surprised,
> it was so busy all the time. It left no convenient drive-thru
> McDonald's for quite a ways. No skin off my teeth, I don't go there, I
> was just surprised.
> Well, they put up a weird building, is it a bank? No, it's just
> a brand new McDonald's, now hiring. White stone front, very small
> arches. A new look.
> Then I'd noticed that Dunkin Donuts in town was closed, right
> at the time people here were talking about their Dunkin Donuts
> going out of business. This place said they were under renovations.
> How can a place like that afford to close for months?
> Well, when they put the big bubblegum pink D door handle on, I knew they
> were coming back. Guess there's more money in donuts than I thought.
> I know you've all been wondering, don't worry, fast food is safe in
> my corner of the world.
> nancy
Gee. Your new McD's sounds nicer than the one in the neighboring
town. That was a most unattractive building--appeared to be
aluminum siding. Very boring facade, which then had fake
brick-looking siding applied.
Jean B.