Ping Goomba: Kitchen Floor?
Nancy Young wrote:
> Michael "Dog3" wrote:
>> "Jean B." > : in
>>> Do your pets confine themselves to the kitchen for that purpose?
>>> Mine don't, alas.
>> No, they are not confined to any particular part of the house. Many
>> times they puke on the white carpeting and sometimes (rarely) the
>> furniture. The dog in particular likes to puke in the kitchen.
> It's funny to see them, ohh no!! I'm going to throw up! Don't get
> the floor dirty, go over and throw up on this soft part!
> nancy
Yeah. Do it in a nice comfy spot. To be fair, I think Ming (cat)
tries to get to his litterbox. Or else that is coincidence. If
he would only stop spraying! :-(
Jean B.