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Cindy Hamilton Cindy Hamilton is offline
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Posts: 549
Default Burgers and Meatballs with Breadcrumbs

On Aug 13, 8:22*pm, Billy <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 00:29:05 +0100, Corey Richardson
> > wrote:
> >It's all down to personal choice, isn't it?

> Yes. * Good beef doesn't require fillers. *

Granted, but some people enjoy a well-done burger. Addition
of breadcrumbs helps the well-done burger retain moisture,
especially if they choose a fairly lean ground beef.

I'm not one of them, though. Ground chuck cooked a little
past medium rare for me.

It really is about personal taste.

Cindy Hamilton