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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Burgers and Meatballs with Breadcrumbs

On Aug 13, 6:04*pm, Corey Richardson >
> Why oh why do some people insist that homemade burgers and meatballs
> should have breadcrumbs in them?
> Just to bulk them out? So that they're spongy? What?
> Breadcrumbs have some place in a meatloaf, but none in a burger or
> meatball, IMHO.
> What say you?

I never put breadcrumbs in burgers, but always use some bread soaked
in milk in meatballs - helps them hang together better than just egg,
although I put an egg in the mix, too.

My mom put breadcrumbs in burgers when I was little because we grew up
in the war years, and it was a way to make 1 pound of ground beef make
six burgers (one for each of us). Later, she didn't do that at all.
