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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Spirit measures in the US and Canada?

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:30:08 +0000 (UTC), Steve Pope wrote:

> Dimitri > wrote:
>>"Donald Martinich" > wrote in message

>>> In my part of the world (N. Calif.), most bartenders don't pre-measure
>>> with shot glasses but "count" instead. They count silently to
>>> themselves as the pour through that standard sort of spout that bars
>>> have on all their bottles. Some drink might be a "two count" or a "three
>>> count" depending on the recipe. As you might expect, there is some
>>> variability here. Reputations for generosity or stinginess are easily
>>> established here in my smallish college town.

>>Not necessarily.
>>Today most of the bar pour spouts are metered.


> While this is an interesting link, it hardly establishes any
> claim that "most bar pour spouts are metered". Or, if the
> spouts do have a metering feature, the bartender is paying
> attention to it.
> IMO most local bartenders pour to some visual level, they neither
> count nor measure.
> Steve

i don't think many of them explicitly count. after a point, they can just
pour a 'jigger' without thinking about it. you get pretty good at doing
something after the thousandth time or two.

some years ago when i was friendly with one bartender in particular, he
claimed to be able to do this, and i told him he was full of shit. he did
a blind pour, and it measured out perfectly. (he did have a heavier hand
for his friends and some creative ideas on what your tab might be.)

your pal,