Posted to,
Chips (French fries)
sarah gray wrote:
> Graham stereo > wrote in news:972h845zatgz.zsiy8ld7sm4n
> :
>> On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 23:26:21 GMT, sarah gray wrote:
>>> Dave > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> sarah gray wrote:
>>>>> Lynn from Fargo > wrote in news:9dc0487b-7261-
> 4397-
>>>>> :
>>>>>> On Aug 10, 6:38 pm, "kilikini" > wrote:
>>>>>>> sarah gray wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sheldon > wrote in
>>>>>>>> news:fe820bf4-5f63-44b9-92ec-
>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>> <hillbilly> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> We have this thing called global awareness. As I
>>>>>>>>>> see in the news lately, there are even several other languages
>>>>>>>>>> spoken on
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> planet other than American.
>>>>>>>>> American is a language... duh... that's why you're rotting in
>>>>>>>>> Florida.
>>>>>>>> Dude, *everything* rots in Florida. Methinks it's the humidity.
>>>>>>>> (ducks)
>>>>>>>> Saerah
>>>>>>> ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just came to terms with the fact that
>>>>> we'r
>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> grandparents living in FL! We're only 40 years old, but my gosh,
> we
>>>>> fi
>>>>>> t!
>>>>>>> ACK!
>>>>>>> kili
>>>>>> I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous!
>>>>>> I'm 59 and not a grandchild in sight. She is "betrothed".
> Everybody
>>>>>> pray. She says if she gets pregnant they'll get married sooner.
> (at
>>>>>> least I got the marriage B4 babies part right!)
>>>>>> Lynn in Fargo
>>>>>> Suffering from several chronic diseases with one foot dangling . .
> .
>>>>> heh. I'm 28, my daughter is 6. If I'm a grandmother before I'm 45,
>>> I'll
>>>>> be *upset* 
>>>> I used to supervise a woman who was a granny at the grand old age of
>>> 30.
>>>> Dave
>>> Birth control for teenagers needs to be mandatory!
>>> Saerah
>> ....and to religious fundamentalists of all stripes!
> Ugh, tell me about it. I got a nasty email from a coworker of mine who
> overheard me say "goddamnit" when my plastic spoon broke while trying to
> get a bite of half-frozen chicken salad (the fridge at work is way too
> cold).
> Apparently I took "the Lord's" name in vain. I replied that I was sorry
> she was offended by anything she had overheard me say to myself, but
> also that I did not have a "Lord" and did not appreciate her
> proselytizing. Since when do Christians have a monopoly on the word
> "god"?
> I totally want to hang up a huge pentagram in my cubicle where she can
> see it.
> Saerah (if she had said she was offended by my use of the word "damn", I
> probably would not be so annoyed.)
You know everytime Bush preaches freedom to other nations I think why
don't you preach freedom of thought