Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> Lou Decruss >
> news:n8j8a4pim3gg21v9god6755ge7lg3p87d4@ 4ax.com: in rec.food.cooking
>> On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:52:40 +0200, ChattyCathy
>> > wrote:
>>> http://www.recfoodcooking.com
>> I'll pass on the hat. I voted to find a new home. We currently
>> don't have pets and don't plan on any in the near future. But if
>> money was even a remote problem I'd never think even about a pet.
>> I've heard many stories about people with money problems having a
>> hard time buying pet food. I feel no pity for them. I feel for the
>> animals though.
> I agree Lou. If you can't make the commitment... don't adopt or buy a
> pet. Too many animals are abandoned or dumped in shelters because
> people either can't afford the animals or no longer want them.
> I almost adopted a dog a couple of weeks ago named Zoe. She is a
> Benji type animal. The owners gave her back to the rescue group
> after having her for a year. Poor dog was absolutely lost sitting in
> her crate. These people were moving and decided taking the dog would
> be too much trouble. ****wits...
> Michael
Yep, I agree with you Michael, that's not right. I won't abandon my animals
no matter how poor we get. We'll figure it out. Gosh, back on Maui, I'd
watch people load their shopping carts and I was cringing over a $.33 cent
can of cat food and that was *all* I was checking out. It's like you're
going to give up your kid because you're having income problems? I look at
my little creatchtures (as my husband would say) as my kids. I love them.
I will always find a way to feed them. That's just now it is. They're my