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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default (2008-08-14) NS-RFC: If you could no longer afford to buy petfood...

Michael \"Dog3\" wrote:

> I agree Lou. If you can't make the commitment... don't adopt or buy a
> pet. Too many animals are abandoned or dumped in shelters because people
> either can't afford the animals or no longer want them.
> I almost adopted a dog a couple of weeks ago named Zoe. She is a Benji
> type animal. The owners gave her back to the rescue group after having
> her for a year. Poor dog was absolutely lost sitting in her crate.
> These people were moving and decided taking the dog would be too much
> trouble. ****wits...

The last dog I adopted from the pound was a loser. He was an incredible
looking dog and we fell in love with him at first sight, half Bouvier and
half German Shepherd. the pound said he was an Irish Wolfhound cross, but I
saw one just like him, same size, shape, fur, temperament and age, and they
had seen the parents. This guy had issues and he was clueless. I almost
took him back because he was absolutely uncontrollable. It was months before
he would walk properly on a leash and at least six months before I dared to
let him off the leash to run and burn off some energy. When we adopted a
Groenendahl through a friend the new dog taught him how to behave and he
settled down a bit and after 7 years he became enjoyable, though I still
couldn't take him in the car. He was a big guy and would bark and jump
around in the car.

Last summer our neighbours moved to a smaller house and tried to get me to
take one of their pit bulls. they had two of them and a young child. The
wife didn't trust him, though I thought he was the more mellow of the two
and thought it was the other one they should get rid of. I already had two
dogs and didn't want the hassle of a pit bull,. which BTW are now illegal
here. You cannot breed, import or buy one. They ended up taking him to the
pound and he was "destroyed".