Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:52:40 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > wrote:
> >http://www.recfoodcooking.com
> I'll pass on the hat. I voted to find a new home. We currently don't
> have pets and don't plan on any in the near future. But if money was
> even a remote problem I'd never think even about a pet. I've heard
> many stories about people with money problems having a hard time
> buying pet food. I feel no pity for them. I feel for the animals
> though.
Many of the "hard luck" economic stories in the media feature families with
*multiple* pets. In April ABC had a story about people in Wisconsin getting
their electricity shut off for non - payment, several of these families had
multiple pets. One guy said, "I didn't know we had to pay for power in the
winter..." [!!!]. Not only should these people not have had pets, but they
should NOT be allowed to have kids...
Recently on WBEZ (local Chicawgo NPR station) there was a story about some
family, the mother had a job offer but couldn't "afford" gas - and if she
took the job they'd have to give up food stamps. Of course this family had
FIVE yappy chihuahuas...
Pets are a commitment and that includes financial - wise, many don't seem to
understand that. If it was between having pets and paying the light bill or
getting a job I sure know what I'd do...
The cost of vet care *alone* is scary. I've got friends with two Dobermans,
one is diabetic and so needs insulin injections, the other has kidney
problems and needs some sorta daily drip thing; another friend took her cat
to the vet and wound up having to pay a thousand bux for dental work. These
people do okay but even for them the vet bills somewhat crimp their
"style"...both are homeowners and there is always maintenance 'n repair
stuff they need to spend money on.