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Dee Dee Dee Dee is offline
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Default Gas or electric?

On Aug 14, 3:42*pm, "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:
> "Dee Dee" > wrote in message
> > This is ours
> >

> What width is yours? *Looking at it, I can't see where the grill is.
> Thanks.
> Dee Dee
> *****************************
> The 30" *Four burners, no grill. *The entire top *has a cast iron grate that
> is even all the way across so you don't have to lift a pot if you want to
> move it.
> The paint is put on in the same factory that paints the Lamborghini. *We
> have hte black.

Ooops, I read your sentence incorrectly. I read "grid" as "grill."

>bought the range for the more powerful burners, for the full cast

grid to make sliding pots easier, as well as the stylish looks.

DH moves the pans (must to my dismay) across the glass cooktop. I
don't say anything, but do grit my teeth each time. He knows it is not

I always ask him (if he is available) to lift and move the pans when I
need to move them from on burner to another burner.
So far, he hasn't caught on -- ;-))

The stove that I have now will have to last me unless and until we
move from here. And if we move, it will because I can no longer get
out of bed to even lift a pan -- hence my dreaming about yours. I
know you are enjoying it so much.
Dee Dee