In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:
> I just got gifted today with a 1 GB flash drive and I've never used one
> before. Have to learn about that too.
Nothin' to learn. Plug it into a USB port on your machine and you've
got yourself another drive. They're great for portability and transfer
of data. I often put pics from my camera onto a jump/flash drive and
hand it over to Rob. He does whatever with the pics and returns the
drive to me. Simpler than burning a CD, faster than emailing a pic.
You'll like it.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ , blahblahblog is back and
most recently updated today, 8-14-2008.
" Preserved Fruit Administrator
'Always in a jam. Never in a stew.'" - Evergene