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Coleah Coleah is offline
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Posts: 3
Default OT - The Ugly Kitchen Contest

On Aug 15, 1:50*am, Coleah > wrote:
> I have a special favor to ask of you, please!
> My friend Betty in Springfield, MO entered a contest called The Ugly
> Kitchen Contest. *The prize is new kitchen cabinets and counters,
> which she really deserves for her 100 yr old home.
> Voting ends Friday at 4:59 p.m. CDT
> and I’m asking you to please take a quick *moment to cast a vote for
> her:
> (scroll down to vote)
> She is #42 and has been holding 1st place for some time.
> She’s slipped into 2nd this evening, so the pressure is on !!
> I would appreciate your help so very much!
> I put up a webpage where voters can acknowledge themselves for their
> support (if they chose). *
> If Betty wins, I’ll be adding ‘before and after’ photos to the
> webpage
> so people can see the joy your vote helped to bring.
> Thank you, thank you, for your consideration,
> Coleah

I apologize to those who found my very sincere request as something
confrontive. I believed that anyone who enjoys cooking might have a
heart to support the cause of a fellow 'cook' in a contest to have her
kitchen updated.

As I originally said:
I have a special favor to ask of you, please!

My friend Betty in Springfield, MO entered a contest called The Ugly
Kitchen Contest. The prize is new kitchen cabinets and counters,
which she really deserves for her 100 yr old home.

Voting ends Friday at 4:59 p.m. CDT
and I’m asking you to please take a quick moment to cast a vote for
(scroll down to vote)

She is #42 and has been holding 1st place for some time.
She’s slipped into 2nd this evening, so the pressure is on !!

I would appreciate your help so very much!
I put up a webpage where voters can acknowledge themselves for their
support (if they chose).

If Betty wins, I’ll be adding ‘before and after’ photos to the
webpage so people can see the joy your vote helped to bring.

Thank you, thank you, for your consideration,
