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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 649
Default (2008-08-14) NS-RFC: If you could no longer afford to buy petfood...

kilikini wrote:

> Yep, I agree with you Michael, that's not right. I won't abandon my animals
> no matter how poor we get. We'll figure it out. Gosh, back on Maui, I'd
> watch people load their shopping carts and I was cringing over a $.33 cent
> can of cat food and that was *all* I was checking out. It's like you're
> going to give up your kid because you're having income problems? I look at
> my little creatchtures (as my husband would say) as my kids. I love them.
> I will always find a way to feed them. That's just now it is. They're my
> family.
> kili

My pets are like children to me. When I hear that people have to give
up their pets, they must be devastated at the loss.

IMO, having a pet is like having a child. You are responsible for their
food and medical care. My cat, Louie, would not be able to fend for
himself, he couldn't catch a cold in the Klondike.
