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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default What's the difference between roasting and baking?

"Bruce K." > wrote in message
> My new GE electric oven has a roast and a bake setting with an
> optional convection setting.
> My question is what does the oven do differently when it roasts rather
> than bakes?
> Thanks for your help.
> Bruce

I've never found a definitive answer. One definition was that roasting is
done over an open flame while baking is in an oven. Another is that meats
are roasted and dough products are baked. Another is the type of pan,
shallow for roast, deep for baked, but cookies on a sheet are baked.

The GE manual seems to use the roast-meat/bake-dough convention, but the too
reference oven baked chicken.

Do try the convection for roasting though. Can't speak for your oven, but
in mine, it makes the outside crispier and the inside moist and tender.

I cannot imagine what hte oven does differently but it may have something to
do with venting or using upper and lower elements at the same or different
times. May be worth contacting GE product support.