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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default What's the difference between roasting and baking?

On Aug 15, 12:42�pm, Bruce K. > wrote:
> My new GE electric oven has a roast and a bake setting with an
> optional convection setting.

Roasting primarily employs radiant heat energy (broiling is actually
roasting). Baking primarily employs conduction. Both roasting and
baking employ convection... convection ovens simply enhance convection
(movement of heated air).

> My question is what does the oven do differently when it roasts rather
> than bakes?

I'm guessing that in the Roast mode both bottom and top element
function, in the Bake mode the top element is disabled... with the
Convection mode energized perhaps both elements function regardless
whether in Roast or Bake, maybe... why don't you contact GE... I'll
bet the first two customer service people you speak to don't know. I
honestly don't see the point in a convection oven for home cooking,
with any properly functioning oven natural convection is sufficient...
I tend to think ovens where a convection fan is added are either not
properly engineered and/or it's just hype for extracting more dollars
from the unknowing. To my way of thinking a home style convection
oven should cost less, the convection part is a patch to cover up a
poor quality oven. The only reason convection ovens are used
commercially is because with such volume time is money, a lot of
money. Does anyone really care whether their sunday chicken roasts
in an hour and a half or an hour and fifteen minutes... I didn't think
so. Convection cooking is analogous to two minute sex, fast, gets
the job done but not too satisfying. When I really care I much prefer
two hours over low on my weber rotisserie... long and slow is better
in every way.