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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Boasting, crowing, aghast.

"Sheldon" wrote

>Um, wtf was your pot of stock doing in the sink?!?!? duh

Cooling probably before stowing the excess away?

>Btw, you could have made that stock in a $30 Farberware pot... and
>with all that change you'd have money for whole chickens instead of
>saved up scraps... it just doesn't make sense to use a $120 pot to
>simmer 50 cents worth of salvage. Maybe hubby is sly like a fox.

Grin, but it's fun to have a spiffy pot! So what if we all can cook in a
cheaper one.

As to the leftover bits, I do that too. Reduces the food bill nicely and I
dislike waste. I also cook alot with stocks and do not like store bought
ones at all (except the dry dashi works well so I never make it from scratch
anymore though I did for 15 years or so).