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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default (2008-08-14) NS-RFC: If you could no longer afford to buy pet food...

"Janet Baraclough" wrote

> Which could well be medical. There are plenty of highly distressing
> conditions which can't be cured, only slightly relieved by medication.
> The medication makes the owner feel better , but the animal will still
> suffer for the rest of its life.

Thats true. One day sadly, we will have to have Cash-pup put down. We knew
that too. His heart damage means when he gets older, his quality of life
will slip and once he can no longer have 'fun' we will let him peacefully
go. We are told by the heart specialist that he probably has 5 good years
if we keep his weight where it is, have him neutered, and never exceed the
recommended jogging distance plus keep the house cool and not walk him when
temps are over 90F (except the simple, 'gotta pee Mom so can we go out in
the backyard for 3 mins?'). He may make 7 good years. He is possibly with
the most excellent of care, going to see 9.

I plan to enjoy all the years he has and make them the best I can, then when
the time comes, let him go over the rainbow softly.

> People think animals are toys to play with and
>> then discard when they get tired of them.

> And some people love their pets so much, they would not put their
> own feelings ahead of the animal's suffering.

True. Its a hard thing to decide. I've had to do it before. I cried alot,
but had the vet do the right thing when the time came.