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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Posts: 9,551
Default Boasting, crowing, aghast.

On Aug 15, 2:53�pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> maxine in ri > wrote:
> >Strained it, and poured a quart back into the pot. �Put the rest in
> >the sink-full of cold water to chill quickly. �Started adding fresh
> >veggies and some of the chicken from the frames back into the soup.
> >DH came home, and spilled some coffee on the kitchen table. �Came over
> >to the sink, grabbed the wipe up rag, wiped up the table, then came
> >back to the sink and proceeded to start to run the water and rinse out

> Arg.
> But anything in the sink is not food-in-progress, so doesn't need
> to be respected. �Other than by prior arrangement.
> At least that's how I work...

That's how everywhere works... anything left in the sink is no
different from dirty dishes. I just can't imagine leaving anything to
cool in the sink... I myself am liable to have a lapse and turn the
faucet on... while cooking I typically wash my hands dozens of times,
usually an automatic reflex, mostly a quick rinse with plain water,
but could just as well be a good greasy handed scrub with soap. I
never place pots of food to cool in the sink, they go back on the
stove, in fact I never leave pots in the sink even if emptied, I fill
them with water and a squirt of soap and place them back on the stove
to soak until I get ready to wash them. I don't leave anything in the
sink not even a used teaspoon, I want it empty and clean at all times,
I detest having to clean the sink before I can use it, to say wash
salad stuff or a chicken. People who leave their business to cool in
the sink I'm positive never flush the toilet because they're waiting
for their business to cool. heheh

Btw, women are always bitching about men leaving the toilet lid up,
but women typically lift their butt as they close the lid and and move
right on to something else while neglecting to flush, or when they do
flush it's with the lid down and they never ever look to see if all
their business went down. True! Women only think they're all dainty/
prissy (not). Many a time I've waited for some gal to finish her
business so I could pee... nine times out of ten I'd lift the lid to
see a turdy pudding garnished with half a roll of TP and a bloody
tampon. Then gals wonder why guys don't call.