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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default Bran Muffin Recipe

In article >,
"kilikini" > wrote:

> Trust me, I've Googled for a decent bran muffin recipe, but I'm looking for
> tried and true. Many that I've Googled sound good, but gosh, they have a
> lot of oil in them!
> Why am I looking? I need more fiber in my diet, I can't eat cereal with
> milk because I'm lactose intolerant, so I thought I'd try some bran
> muffins - no raisins, though!
> Sugar isn't an issue, but oil is, so I guess I'm looking for a lower fat
> bran muffin. I don't care if they end up dry; I always have a big glass of
> water next to me. Hey, somebody mentioned zucchini bread in another thread.
> Is there a zucchini bran muffin? That would be tasty!

Substitute half the oil in any given recipe for unsweetened applesauce.


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