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koko koko is offline
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Default Boasting, crowing, aghast.

On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 11:31:25 -0700 (PDT), maxine in ri
> wrote:

>Local job lot store is moving, so they're trying to sell as much
>merchandise as possible before the end of the month. Went in last
>week and they had a Le Crueset risotto pot for $120, about half the on-
>line price of $239.

Dang, isn't it great getting a good deal on quality cookware.
>Went in yesterday, and everything is 40% off. Pot was still there.
>Bought it. Brought it home.
>Washed it. Threw in some oil and mirepoix, and let them soften and
>brown a bit, then added some chicken frames and 3 quarts of water
>(it's a 6-3/4 quart pot). An hour and a half later, I had
>over 3 quarts of lovely rich chicken stock.

I can smell it now ooooo

>Strained it, and poured a quart back into the pot. Put the rest in
>the sink-full of cold water to chill quickly. Started adding fresh
>veggies and some of the chicken from the frames back into the soup.
>DH came home, and spilled some coffee on the kitchen table. Came over
>to the sink, grabbed the wipe up rag, wiped up the table, then came
>back to the sink and proceeded to start to run the water and rinse out
>He's still alive, just barely, since he did get down on his knees to
>maxine in ri

I admire you maxine. Great shopping, cooking and anger management
skills. ;-)

There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 8/09