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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Bran Muffin Recipe

On Fri 15 Aug 2008 06:43:37p, dejablues told us...

> "kilikini" > wrote in message
> ...
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> kilikini > wrote:
>>>> Trust me, I've Googled for a decent bran muffin recipe, but I'm
>>>> looking for tried and true. Many that I've Googled sound good, but
>>>> gosh, they have a lot of oil in them!
>>>> Why am I looking? I need more fiber in my diet, I can't eat cereal
>>>> with milk because I'm lactose intolerant, so I thought I'd try some
>>>> bran muffins - no raisins, though!
>>>> kili
>>> Alas, the bran muffin recipe I love (which I can't eat at the moment)
>>> calls for buttermilk. Most have either milk or buttermilk. Ever try
>>> just snacking on high fiber cereal sans milk?
>>> Jill

>> Been there, done that, drank water. LOL. You know how it goes. :~)
>> kili

> There are times where I know I need to ingest more fiber, so I keep a
> bottle of fiber supplement capsules onhand.
> I take Metamucil with Calcium . I could never choke down enough muffins

> get the same results, lol!

I often eat All-Bran Cereal for breakfast. It has a lot of fiber. I know
Kili can't have the milk, though.

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