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LeeBat LeeBat is offline
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Default Gas or electric?

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:

>While a stretch of the budget, we figured it is the last stove we will ever
>buy so why not get the best possible. It had the features we wanted, the
>powerful burners, the grid over the top, sealed burners etc. So we bought.

I did similar two years ago. Re-did the entire kitchen and tossed out
the old cheapo Sears electric range that was there when we moved in.

Hated electric (tho I'd learned to cope) and was determined to get
back to gas cooking. Did my research and bought a Blue Star cooktop
with two (count 'em) 22,000 btu burners, a 15,000 btu burner and an
8,000 btu simmer burner. The clincher for me was the high btu burners.

The cooktop, electric oven and the heavy-duty Broan hood I installed
took me well over my original budget but like Ed, I figured this is
the last kitchen I'll ever have so why not go for broke.

I absolutely love the whole setup and would do it all again in a

spending the kids' inheritance .....