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Debbie Wilson Debbie Wilson is offline
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Posts: 49
Default Eggs, spinach, cheese and what else?

Hi Jill -

Delurking here to share one of our favourite current recipes with you
which might possibly appeal to your mum?

Spinach, bacon and feta cheese pasta

4 rashers back bacon, trimmed and cut into small pieces
4 oz feta cheese (if you can't get this, then any other crumbly white
cheese will do, just something that will melt in at the end)
4 oz mushrooms, halved and sliced (you can leave these out if you want)
About 12 pitted black olives, halved (you can leave these out too if you
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1-2 tablespoons olive oil for frying
7 oz fresh spinach, well washed
6 oz pasta shapes of your choice (we use wholewheat penne)
Salt & pepper

Fry the onion and bacon in the olive oil over a medium-low heat until
beginning to brown.

Add mushrooms and olives if used, and a little salt and pepper to taste.

Meanwhile add boiling water to the pasta, bring back to the boil, then
simmer until almost cooked.

About 1 minute before pasta is done, combine the spinach with the
onion/bacon mixture, cover and allow leaves to wilt (only takes about a

Drain pasta and combine with the spinach mixture, and add feta or other
cheese. Mix everything together, allow cheese to melt for a minute or
so, and serve!



"He looked a fierce and quarrelsome cat, but claw he never would;
He only bit the ones he loved, because they tasted good." S. Greenfield