On Aug 15, 2:48 pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> maxine in ri wrote:
> Um, wtf was your pot of stock doing in the sink?!?!? duh
> You should have apologized for setting him up... it's still not too
> late for you to get down on your knees, turn about is fair play ya
> know. heheh
I use a water bath to cool stock and other things going into the
fridge. While it wasn't the pot itself (that was creating the chicken
soup o the stove), your point is well taken. Next time, I'll decant
the stuff into jars, put the lids on and then put them in the water
Thank you.
> Btw, you could have made that stock in a $30 Farberware pot... and
> with all that change you'd have money for whole chickens instead of
> saved up scraps... it just doesn't make sense to use a $120 pot to
> simmer 50 cents worth of salvage. Maybe hubby is sly like a fox.
Well it was a $72 pot, but it's big enough to make a roast, or act as
a dutch oven, which is something I've wanted/had need of for a while.
And if I wasn't frugal in the kitchen, I wouldn't be able to afford
the gadgets and widgets that make cooking so much fun!
maxine, headed for the Washington County Fair, in ri