Thread: Cooktops
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Cooktops

On Sat 16 Aug 2008 05:58:59a, Jean B. told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 15 Aug 2008 03:47:20p, Jean B. told us...
>>> Gloria P wrote:
>>>> You never know. At one time we had a woodstove that sat about 8
>>>> inches above a tiled hearth. When the stove was running very hot in
>>>> midwinter our little old black cat's favorite place to sleep was
>>>> stretched out on the hearth directly beneath the stove. She would
>>>> come out with her fur so hot I was surprised she never combusted. We
>>>> had her 23 years and she spent a lot of the winter under the stove.
>>>> gloria p
>>> Yikes! And just now Wayne's cat got sick because it was
>>> overheated....

>> Jean, Mr. Bailey, our tabby that got very sick is also very obese and
>> not at all used to heat. Otherwise, his health is generally good.
>> OTOH, we have two cats that like to lie on top of the floor registers
>> when the furnace is running. They are both lanky, thin cats.

> Is there a moral in that story? Probably! I do gather, though,
> that other than basking on the floor registers, none of your cats
> is used to heat like they recently experienced.

No, they're not at all used to high temperatures, at least not of any
duration. They never go out of the house unsupervised, and we would never
take them out in extreme heat.
Date: Saturday, 08(VIII)/16(XVI)/08(MMVIII)

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