On Aug 16, 8:19�am, Bruce K. > wrote:
> I think Kijikit might br right.
> I do have upper and lower heating elements and I'll check what goes on
> during roasting and �baking.
The top element is your broiler element. With modern ovens both the
top and bottom elements come on initially for preheating, then once
the oven comes to temperature the top element goes off and does not
come back on with subsequent thermostatic cycling.... you no more want
to broil the top of a roast than you do the top of a cake. I'd be
very interested in hearing what GE says regarding it's separate bake
and roast settings (I've never heard of an oven with a roast mode).
Technically no oven roasts, not unless it has a built in rotisserie,
which woul duse the top/broiling element, broiling is roasting... when
one cooks a chicken of a hunk of beef in their oven it's tecnically
baked chicken/beef, not roasted... that's why ovens have bake/broil
functions. We may call it roast beef, but it's baked beef. Please
get back to us on GE's explanation.
Perhaps your GE stove is one of the new Trivection Technology units:
You didn't read the owner's manual, I betcha.