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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default (2008-08-14) NS-RFC: If you could no longer afford to buy petfood...

Michael "Dog3" wrote:
> Dave Smith >
> m: in
>> We may have to make a decision about our dog in the not too distant
>> future.

> It's so hard. Missy will go soon as well. At this point she's holding her
> own pretty well but I think it will be soon. I think I've prepared myself
> for it but I know it'll still be hard. 19 years is a long time to have a 4
> legged companion. Losing her will be devastating.

I haven't had to put down too many pets. My wife took our Bouvier des
Flandres in when she was so crippled that she could not walk. She got
to the vet's office and just couldn't go through with it and got some
medication to keep her comfortable but it didn't do much good, so she
ended up having to go back a few days later.

The last one that I took myself was one of my Labs. He was suffering
from congestive heart failure. He had been on medication for months, but
it wasn't doing much good anymore. He was so swollen that he could no
longer sit. We had been going to the vet at least once a week for months
and he knew the routine. I walked him in without a leash and he went
over and stood on the scales without being told. The girl at the counter
knew what we were there for and said "This is going to be a hard one",

I went in with him and held him while he got the needle. I was in tears
on the way out. :-(

I am really hoping that Luc drops dead of a heart attack one day on his
morning walk. I always thought that was a good way for a dog to go.