Update: McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts
Stan Horwitz wrote:
> In article >,
> "Nancy Young" > wrote
>> Then I'd noticed that Dunkin Donuts in town was closed, right
>> at the time people here were talking about their Dunkin Donuts
>> going out of business. This place said they were under
>> renovations. How can a place like that afford to close for months?
>> Well, when they put the big bubblegum pink D door handle on, I
>> knew they were coming back. Guess there's more money in
>> donuts than I thought.
> The same thing happened with a Dunkin Donuts in my neighborhood. Its one
> of the standalone types (not in a mall). One day, I drove by to stop at
> a convenience store across the street from that DD and it was closed,
> despite being packed all the time.
> The place was unused for several months, then knocked down and replaced
> by a new building that's nearly indistinguishable from the old one,
> except a tiny bit larger, and its a Dunkin' Donuts. Go figure!
Quite a few "older" (i.e. 10 yrs. +) McDonalds and Burger Kings around
Denver have been razed and rebuilt with less plastic looking
architecture and lots of stone and wood and huge new play areas, of
course. Strange, unless there's a huge tax advantage.
gloria p